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Partner With Us

Thank you for your consideration in financially supporting the ministry of 99plus1. 


In the past, God has proven Himself time-and-time again that He's the great provider, and we are confident He always will be. That being said, this work of the Lord is one where we are 100% reliant upon the faithful giving through His church body. 


Your prayers, encouragement and support are a great blessing to us. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Specify Your Donation

When giving, please select the desired ministry designation from the drop down menu. If you select 99plus1 Where Needed the donation will go to our general fund. 


The Sena Family is to personally support the missionaries of 99 Plus 1 Ministries and their family. Better Together in Christ (BT), BT Eye Project, and Nueva Cancion are ministry affiliates for whom 99plus1 Ministries supports. 


There is no cross pollination of funds from general funds to Designated Funds or vice versa.  

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English : +1 (925) 915-7339

Español: +52 (686) 192-1873


99 Plus 1 Ministries, Av. Jacarandas #239 Jacaranda, San Felipe, BC,  21850, Mexico


1002 N. Imperial Ave

STE 2 #303

El Centro, CA 92243


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